The Kigoma region which has a population of more than 3 million has only three based Radio stations broadcasting from Uvinza district and Kigoma Municipality; hence there is a high scarcity of access to information and information sharing mechanism, Local coverage content through radio and other medium are not given priorities in the region as most of the coverage are based in national and international perspectives. This led to the region to remain as consumers of news and programs from other region without their engagement and participation especially in information and education that mean to transform and persuade the community. Kigoma region is also the host of thousands of refugees from east and central African countries who are residing is three main refugee camps where also there is a scarcity of access to information about their life, peace, security and situations of their country of origin which led on unassured future of their life within and outside the fenced asylum.

Despite the high demand of having access to information through media especially Radio, currently, the refugee host area has no Community-Based Radio station, which led to remain behind, poor participation in information sharing and the both communities are not a source of information that being shared through television and social media.

As a result of these ambitious causes, being a host of refugees for a long time and geographical conditions in general the Kigoma region has remained resilient and thus leads to a lot of challenges that are through the lack of access to information.

Due to that scenario, the Organization for Human Investment and Development (OHIDE) has carried out the situation analysis and come up with the results of community interest in having the community-based Radio Station in Kasulu District. 269 people including the Local Government officials were interviewed on the importance of the radio in the area and they have signed the declaration document.

Following communication challenges among others shall be solved by the Community based Radio which is the right platform for the local community to communicate through access and sharing information via a well-designed and quality produced radio content.

      1)     The tension between refugees and host communities and negative effects and impact of refugees

       2)     Children (protection) most are living in a threatened environment (street children), Pregnancy at a young age, and early marriages as well

3)     Mortality of pregnant mothers and children under the age of five

4)     Agribusiness and Cross border business integration

5)     Illegal (undocumented) Migration and insecurity in the region

6)     Gender based violence (GBV) among refugees and within the host community

7)     Heath, water and Sanitation

8)     Elderly protection

9)     Good Governance and

10)                      Environmental conservation


Recognizing the above-mentioned issues which have been a challenge to the development of the Kigoma Region, we the Organization for Human Investment and Development - OHIDE will soon launch the Community-based Radio station called Buha FM Radio which will be an appropriate forum and tool for citizens and other stakeholders to discuss and implement media activities that will contribute to solve these challenges through community engagement and access to Information.



Organization for Human Investment and Development (OHIDE) is a non- governmental organization registered under Non- Governmental Organization Act, 2002 with a certificate of registration number 00NGO/0009326. The organization is founded by a Tanzanian journalist who has been participating in the implementation of various communication projects including community response to HIV/AIDS, equal access to justice, Girls' education challenges, good neighbourhood, entrepreneurship, rights to information, communication,

conflict resolution, etc. The organization holds a reputation as a creative entity with a mixture of professionals to assist the community.



The Radio will be known as BUHA FM RADIO, it is devoted to serve whole Kigoma region and neighbouring area such as Katavi, Tabora, Kagera and Burundi. Our primary target will be the Refugee host area and refugee camps in Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko. As the community engagement process, on August 21, 2018, the Organization for Human Investment and Development (OHIDE Tanzania) and RTTS Centre (The refugee-based communication centre) in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in producing local content based on refugee affairs. The agreement is based on making sure that the refugees voice is included and are well informed, educated, and entertained through Radio broadcasting. Either the goal of the project is to make sure there is a good neighbourhood between the Refugees and the host community and also support the UN agencies and partners to serve both communities in Kasulu, Kibondo, and Kakonko.

Vision                                                                                                                               The VISION of Buha FM Radio is to see the community of Kigoma Region particularly from rural areas have access to information and increased capacity to play a meaningful role in their development through media.


Mission                                                                                                                            The MISSION is to enable local communities to use media as a tool for enhancing participatory communication to achieve sustainable rural development.

Values and Principles                                                                                                                         

Buha FM Radio strives to achieve its mission and vision while being guided by:


·       Professionalism,

·       Voluntarism and team spirit,

·       Community inclusion,

·       Responsiveness,

·       Accountability,

·       Trustworthy,

·       Integrity,

·       Transparency,

·       Freedom of expression, and ethical behaviour and good conduct.


Our Media focusses                                                                                                                            All of our staff will be encouraged to 'think customers' before acting. We will invest in training for our staff to understand how to deliver great customer care. We're committed to treating people fairly, respecting privacy and dignity, and to pay attention to people who need more support. We will make sure this continues to be an important part of our culture. We will analyze all types of customers and engage them by asking them what they think, and use their feedback to improve our services.

Each year we deal with a wide range of inquiries and provide help and support for people across the Kigoma region.

Expectations are growing, which means we must understand what customers need and use this to change our services. People use our services in different ways. Some services are provided for everyone such as music programs, educative programs, However, some customers need more specific help and support. In some cases, funding is now provided directly to these individuals so they have more choice and control over their service.


 Objectives of the Buha news and Buha Radio      


The following are our objectives; -

 ·       Enhanced access to the information within refugees and host community through the well-established Radio station

·       Promoted        implementation          of      the      United       Nations                        Sustainable Development Goals

·       Reduced tension among refugees and host communities

·       Reduced poverty among women and youth

·       Increased cross border business integrations within the Kigoma region and neighbouring countries

·       Promoted protection to girls, children, and elders

Our Activities


To engage communities in content production


·       To involve Refugees and refugee-based journalists in intercultural programs and current affairs news

·       Give space/cooperate with the Government, UN agencies, Development partners to debate and discuss solutions on challenges being faced by both communities

·       Produce news and programs that ensuring the existence of a harmonious relationship between the refugees and the horst community to foster improved corporation, awareness, and protection issues.

·       Produce information stories on peace and security news from refugee country of origin to promote voluntary repatriation (This will be part of the Go and See visit and Come and Tell method for refugees and host local village leaders)

·       Promote agribusiness and environmental conservation for poverty eradication

·       Promote wildlife conservation

·       Promote the preservation of the indigenous culture of the Kigoma region and historical sites

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